reticle graticule
reticle graticule micrometer

reticle graticule

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reticle graticule
grid of horizontal line and vertical lines; grid, network, or crosshatch found in the eyepiece of various optical instruments to aid measurement or alignment

graticule, reticle and ocular micrometer are used as a dimensional reference when working with materials viewed through ocular devices such as a microscopes or magnification eyepieces. While stage or ocular micrometers typically have only a linear scale for reference of length, many eyepiece graticules and reticles come in a variety of configurations and typically have markings for reference of length, angular, or radius features.

reticle graticule

With strict regulations in many industries, traceable calibration with a reference is often required to verify marking dimensions are accurate. With patterns either etched or painted on a glass surface, wear on markings as a result of use over time can cause inaccuracy in visual interpretation. Because of this, it is important and sometimes required, to have graticules and reticles calibrated on a regular basis dependent on frequency of use.

reticle graticule
reticle graticule styles

Scales with crossline
Crossed Scales (horizontal and a vertical scale)
Concerntric circles
Single circles
Dots and field stops
Pinwheels and crossed scales

eyepiece reticle/graticule patterns of Chutong in sizes to fit all microscopes and magnifiers,if you need any special size for your eyepiece,please send us the picture or drawing of eyepiece, then we design the reticle graticule suitable for you.

Eyepiece graticules

include scales for measuring linear dimensions, circles for estimating diameters and radii, and a protractor for angles. Scales can be calibrated by comparison with a stage graticule, supplied in convenient microscope slide format.

there is also another type reticle for objective,Stage graticules (also known as stage micrometers), supplied in a convenient microscope slide format, are used to calibrate microscope eyepiece graticules. Eyepiece graticules give a reasonably accurate gauge of viewed object sizes, but, owing to differences in the optical systems of different objectives and eyepieces, calibration is needed for accurate work. This is simply done by placing the stage graticule on the microscope stage and viewing it through the microscope. Comparision of the eyepiece graticule with the stage graticule enables either a correction factor to be calculated or, perhaps, in bespoke systems, the optical spacing to be adjusted to eliminate the magnification error.

Stage graticules
Stage graticule reticle
eyepiece cross reticle x
cross reticle x y axis of eyepiece

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