measuring microscope X40Y30 CNC video image measurement instrument
what is measuring microscope, is is dimensional measurements High precision instruments measuring device. combined an optical microscope with a table capable of precise movement to measure targets.
automatic CNC image measuring instrument measuring microscope character
The full automatic 3D image measuring instrument is designed for plane and 3D dimension measurement, with a maximum travel of 500×400mm, suitable for large-scale measurement in PCB, LCD, sheet metal, aerospace and other industries.It adopts mobile bridge structure, which brings together the most advanced design concepts in the industry, and ensures the accuracy and stability of the machine with the most perfect design and the most strict production process control.

Instrument automatic measuring microscope features
Mobile bridge structure, large stroke automatic measurement, three-axis CNC control.
Precision granite machine, high precision and good stability.
Full mouse and handle type automatic control, simple and easy to use.
Sinpo closed grating ruler has high precision and good stability.
Variable magnification optical lens, which can realize variable magnification measurement.
Programmable 5-ring 8-zone annular surface light source and led contour light source.
Automatic focusing height measurement, contact probe can be added.
Zonson2d automatic image measurement software.
Provide a variety of specifications and standard configurations, and can be customized according to requirements.
measuring microscope basic measurement function
1.It can measure geometry, points, lines, circles (maximum, minimum and average), arcs, splines, ellipses, rectangles, quadrilaterals, slots, R angles, rings, spacing, distances, points, etc.
2.Construction: center point, extreme point, endpoint, intersection, two-point connecting line, parallel line, vertical line, tangent, bisector, center line, merging, contour segmentation, radius circle drawing, three line inscribed circle, two line radius inscribed circle, etc.
3.Image measurement tools: drawing point, nearest edge point, focus point, circular frame point, best edge point, nearest point, overall extraction, multi-segment extraction, texture segmentation, multi-segment texture segmentation, electronic caliper, rapid sorting circle, open contour, maximum closed contour and nearest closed contour.
4.Geometric tolerance: straightness, roundness, positional degree, parallelism, perpendicularity, inclination, concentricity, etc.
5.Coordinate system: fixture positioning coordinate system, point line, two-point x, two-point y, three-point, two-line and image registration coordinate system;Translation, rotation and manual adjustment of coordinate system.
measuring microscope Programming and automatic operation
1.It can generate tasks for automatic batch measurement, and support automatic and manual interactive operation.
2.The lens can be manually zoomed, and there is no need to recalibrate after zooming.
3.The light source realizes automatic control and supports automatic lighting.
4.Support the automatic control of five rings and eight areas of surface light and each section of contour light.
5.It can quickly auto focus and focus to measure the height.
measuring microscope Output and data statistics
1. It can output word, Excel, TXT reports and AutoCAD files.
2. Support real-time output to excel template, which can be customized.
3. You can only output the data of the last task run.
4. Automatically generated when running a taskRst format file, which records the details of task operation.
5. Print after running: print directly after running the task.
6. Output task data to file: output the task running results to the text, and output the data of the task with the same name to the same file.
7. According to the specified directory, the task results can be automatically output to the CSV text according to the task name, which is convenient for the unified analysis of the results of the same kind of workpiece.SPC statistics function, import RST file, can carry out effective quality control.
8. The primitive attribute area displays the metadata currently being measured in real time.
9. Primitive out of tolerance area: normal primitive, out of tolerance primitive, unmeasured primitive, etc. are displayed by classification.
measuring microscope Other enhanced features
1. SPC: control and analysis of measurement data.
2. Panoramic scanning: any selected area for image scanning puzzle.
3. Drawing comparison: the loaded drawings can be compared with the measured data.
4. Test screen: automatically sample and scan the test screen, generate tasks, and directly analyze and output the operation results.
5. Temperature compensation: calculate the expansion coefficient according to the difference between ambient temperature and standard temperature to make the result more accurate.
6. Focusing altimetry: measure the height difference by focusing.
7. Automatic contour extraction: extract the specified contour given the start and end points.
8. Display edge graph: display the edge outline of the image and quickly view the edge.
9. Crosshair extraction mode: multiple display modes, such as cross, well, circle and grid, are convenient for quick comparison.
10. Navigation: image navigation, similar to electronic map, can locate quickly.
11. Import CAD drawings: DXF drawings can be imported and exported with CAD to complete graphics processing.
12. 3D display: displays the 3D state of the image.
13. Multi language switching: simplified, traditional, English, Japanese, Korean.
14. Lens calibration: automatic lens calibration, eliminating cumbersome complete calibration steps.
15. Various shortcut key operations, common shortcut keys are available, and the software is easier to use.
16. Various detailed setting options in system settings.
image measuring microscope,measure instrument,contact us for data.
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