how to use coarse and fine adjustment focus knob

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How to use coarse and fine adjustment focus knob

what is focus knob,where locate at microscope and what is the difference.

What is coaxial coarse and fine adjustment focus knob

Coarse and Fine Focus Block/Holder focus holder with coaxial coarse and fine focus for high magnification applications, Focusing holders hold the microscope body and contain the mechanism that raises or lowers the body to focus on the specimen.Microscopes don’t have ‘auto focus’, so you need to do the focus manually.

coarse and fine adjustment focus knob
Where are the Coarse and Fine adjustment focus Knob?

The coarse adjustment knob on most microscopes is along the lower middle part of the arm of the microscope as shown in the image below.

The coarse adjustment knob is the bigger of the two knobs and is located closest to the arm of the microscope.
The fine adjustment knob is the smaller of the smaller of the two knobs and is located further away from the arm of the microscope.

Most coarse and fine adjustment knobs are built with coaxial control in line with one another so you can easily switch from using the coarse focus adjustment knob to using the fine focus adjustment knob.

What is difference Between coarse and fine adjustment focus Knob

Coarse adjustment tension konb: using the coarse adjustment knobs, raises and lowers the stage more rapidly.
Fine adjustment knobs: the smaller knobs and are also used to raise and lower the stage but more slowly and in a more controlled manner under higher magnifications.

coarse and fine adjustment focus konb
coarse and fine adjustment focus konb

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